Hi,Welcome to my mind....
I'm Gary Westbury or more commonly referred to as Idiot,Loser,Nutcase,Weirdo,Wild Man Of Borneo,Worzel Gummidge or Poor Bloke.And yes I will proudly answer to all of them as I take them as a compliment.Now I don't think that I'm "Crazy" like the guys who wear odd coloured socks or dress like Doctor Who,but I'm a little different,yet to me I'm normal.So why have I dragged you hither to this 'ere Blog?Well because I've decided that after years of writing down Daft Ideas,Thoughts,Rants,whatever I thought I should try and get it all into a Book and what better way to start than with a bit of Public opinion!Thanks for dropping by and hope you enjoy.
"Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt." Bergen Evans
"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." Mahatma Gandhi
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